Carrie Blaske
Carrie Blaske resides in Bothell, Washington, with her husband of 31 years and three of their seven kids. Baked With C.A.R.E. started as a personal space for her to see Connection, Awareness, Resilience & Empowerment come to life through the creative outlet of baking, decorating, and sharing my cookies with those around her.
Something unexpected started to happen in her life as she started baking/decorating cookies. This creative outlet was more than a cookie…it was an experience. An experience that is bringing some of the balance of C.A.R.E into her life in healthy ways.
She enjoys a great cup of coffee, snuggles with her four grandchildren, time away with her husband, sweet smelling candles, family gatherings and of course baking and creating sugar cookies!
Friday, August 3 at 3:45 PM
The Baked With Care Cookie Experience is a unique opportunity to gather with others to decorate cookies in a fun and engaging environment.